City status bid given bostin’ Black Country makeover

In recent months, Dudley Metropolitan Council’s bid for city status has been well publicised, with both positive and negative feedback from local residents.

Indeed, despite the council’s insistence that gaining city status will bring much-needed regeneration to the area, a recent poll by Dudley News revealed 72 per cent of its readers are against the proposals.

However, despite this apparent negativity, someone at the council’s press office has seemingly retained their sense of humour and titled the mission statement on their website,, as ‘Dudlay (sic) a city of ambition’.

While it’s not clear at present whether this was an intentional reference to Dudley-born comic

Cheeky reference to local dialect or genuine mistake? Dudley MBC's press release

Lenny Henry or simply a typographical error, one thing’s for certain – the council wants local residents to have their say and is inviting them to do so via its Facebook page at tonight (Monday, July 25), from 6pm-7pm.

What are your views on Dudley borough gaining city status and how do you feel it will affect Sedgley? Get in touch with us here at Sedgleyscene and we’ll feature your views.

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